We’re all chasing a dopamine rush. Fortunately, accomplishing goals releases that drug for us. If the quick hit isn’t enough to keep you motivated, find other small rewards to act as a carrot dangled above your head. Save a new piece in your closet until you’ve read to your child before bed three times a week. Keep that new Netflix comedy special in your queue until you’ve run the 25th mile of the month. As these small rewards pile up—and the effort that went into them compound—and you’ll find yourself closer to the goal you’ve written down.
Don’t self-sabotage with cheat meals that set you back. Find perks that complement your goal.
You may be keeping promises to yourself, but those promises are surely affecting those around you, too. Your inner circle is (or should be) your biggest gathering of champions. Use it. Share with your partner, your friends, or your mentors your goals. Self-improvement and keeping promises is a personal journey, but the positive influence and encouragement from others is a valuable tool. The most important people in your life support you—and should be supporting your goals, so let them in on your secrets and allow them to keep you in check.
Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. Allow the people closest to you to provide the nudge of encouragement to stay on track.
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